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Quantum Life Coaching is grounded in 12 Core Competencies designed to facilitate a soulful and safe environment for you to do the work of transformation.  Each of these 12 qualities are an integral part of the coach-client relationship and will support  you in healing, growing, expanding and achieving your goals.


If you are drawn to the coaching process and are looking for a coach, I invite you to review this list.  If these qualities appeal you, click on the "request more info" link at the bottom of the page. 




Coaching is designed to support you in leading the most fulfilling life possible.  What better way to reach such a lofty goal than to support you in becoming soul-oriented first, and then goal-oriented.  Approaching life from the big picture is something that a Quantum Life coach models and encourages in all interactions.



Having faith in your ability to navigate through life is a hallmark of an effective coach.  Sustaining the knowing that all is well, and that perfect timing is at play sets the field for you to trust fully in the inherent processes of life.  A Quantum Life coach demonstrates this faith when interacting with you.



Presence is the ultimate gift and tool that a Quantum Life coach brings to each coaching session.  When the coach is completely present to all that occurs, an innate wisdom is cultivated in you, enabling positive shifts and deep transformation to occur.



Being real and embodying a sense of self-acceptance and honesty is essential to the healthy coach-client relationship.  A Quantum Life coach is aware that you will rise to the level of vulnerability and honesty that the coach can contain.  Therefore, an authentic coach creates an authentic session.



A Quantum Life coach communicates without biases or judgments.  All communication is intended to bring you closer to your own truth.  All opinions are transmuted in favor of allowing your own vital truth to rise to the surface.  All commentary and requests are spoken in the positive, with ultimate respect for you, the client.



True and complete listening is vital in the coach-client relationship.  A Quantum Life coach excels in listening to that which is not being said as well as to the words that are spoken.  As you experience being completely heard, you discover more of your own truth and find a deeper sense of well-being.



Empathy, understanding, and the capacity to walk a mile in your footsteps are a few of the vital ways that a Quantum Life coach offers you unconditional support.  'I'm with you no matter what,' 'I feel what you feel', and 'I understand,' are messages of support that uplift and heal in times of challenge and breakthrough.



Asking provocative questions with no agenda other than supporting you to 'sit in the fire' and court the unknown will encourage you to open up to new ways of thinking and being. Taking the explorative approach

is a pre-requisite to an effective and dynamic coaching session.



Laughter is a great mixer, elixir and equalizer. Approaching the coaching session with a light hearted and playful spirit helps to create a safe and stimulating atmosphere where creativity flourishes and freedom of expression reigns.  Few elements free and liberate the way a sense of humor does!



A Quantum Life coach is adept at focusing in with you on that which is most important and co-creating goals that support you to achieve specific outcomes.  Holding you accountable creates a positive tension that promotes growth and expansion.



The power of acknowledgement creates a ripple effect of appreciation and well-being that streams far and wide into your life.  Each person has an ongoing need to be seen, heard and appreciated.  By acknowledging your courage, progress and victories, self-assurance abounds.



The Quantum Life coach knows that holding the field activates a potent environment for your highest good to come forth. Just as galaxies can appear where there was only empty space before, so too can you witness unforeseen elements come together to create results that exceed your imagined outcome. 



Quantum Life coaching represents a unique opportunity to dive into the ocean of self.  Who knows what beautiful pearls lay deep on the ocean floor or what magnificent life changes could be in store for you?  


Click on the link below to request more information and I'll be holding for your success. . .



Click here to request more information about Quantum Life Coaching


Click here for information about The Quantum Life 90 Day Coaching Program


Click here for information about the Quantum Life Coaching Modules

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